How do I run with the bulls? Here are 15 tips.

How do I run with the bulls? Here are 15 tips.

The bull runs are one of the most iconic traditions in Spain. If you plan on participating in this event, read these tips before you run!

  1. Be in the city of Pamplona, Spain between July 7th and July 14th. The world-famous bull runs happen in Pamplona at 8:00am every morning between these dates.
  2. Line up in the Plaza Consistorial, in front of Pamplona's town hall, by 7:10am. If you try to line up later, you may be denied entry.
  3. Wear appropriate running attire, including running shoes, comfortable pants, and a shirt. Wearing sandals, dresses, or no shirt will get you thrown out of the bull run before it begins.
  4. Be sober! While this goes without saying for your own safety, police also check runners' sobriety before the race begins. If you're drunk, you won't be allowed to run.
  5. Aim to arrive as clean as possible. Even if you're not drunk, wearing a sangria-soaked shirt will often be enough for policemen to assume that you're not fit to run. If they suspect this, you'll be denied entry to the bull run.
  6. Don't bring any purses or backpacks. Since straps can get caught on fences and on bulls' horns, these items are not allowed on the run.
  7. Bring any necessities, such as your phone and keys, in a zipped pocket or in a thin waist bag underneath your clothes so that they don't fall out while you run. Or, if possible, don't bring them at all; pickpocketing is a serious problem at the Running of the Bulls fiesta.
  8. Don't bring a camera. Taking pictures or videos can distract you from the fact that there are 600kg bulls on the street with you. If policemen catch you with a camera that's not your phone, you likely won't be allowed to run.
  9. Bring an ID. While policemen don't often check runners' ages, you must be 18 or older to run. Have an ID on you in case they ask.
  10. Don't plan to keep up with the bulls for the entire ~800 meter stretch of the bull run. No matter how fast you are, you won't be able to run at their speed for that long. If you want to run alongside the bulls, expect to keep up with them for about 10-20 seconds; trust us, it will feel much longer than that.
  11. Choose your spot along the bull run, ideally at least the day before the run begins. The beginning to middle of Calle Mercaderes, right around the Burger King, is usually a popular spot for beginners for several reasons: the street is wide, there are barricades to escape under, and paramedics are nearby.
  12. Tell your family and friends what section you plan to run, so they can book a balcony overlooking your section to watch you and record you!
  13. Many runners choose to wear a bracelet that says their blood type and an emergency contact number in case anything happens. If you'd like to do this, be sure to order or make your bracelet in advance.
  14. If you fall while running, stay down and cover your head with both hands. Trying to get up is the worst thing you can do in this situation; the bulls can detect movement, and they may target you if they see you getting up.
  15. Be mindful of the crowds. Thousands of runners participate in the bull run, and people can put you in danger by tripping you or pushing you accidentally. July 7th and the weekends usually draw an especially big crowd, so we advise beginners to avoid these dates if possible.
  16. BONUS TIP: That afternoon or evening, look for professional pictures of your run from one of the many professional photo shops along Calle Estafeta or Calle de la Chapitela. If you ran close to the bulls, you'll likely find a professional picture of you with the bulls at one of these shops. Buy and frame your picture for bragging rights. You survived the Running of the Bulls!
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