Why rent a balcony for the Running of the Bulls?

Why rent a balcony for the Running of the Bulls?

The Running of the Bulls (San Fermín) fiesta is a bucket-list dream for millions of people all around the world. But since this event draws hundreds of thousands of tourists into the tiny Old City of Pamplona every year, many visitors who don't plan ahead never actually get to check off "See the Running of the Bulls" from their bucket list.

As you can see in the picture above, choosing to experience the Running of the Bulls for free from the street-level is possible. However, it also means you'll be very lucky to see much - if anything at all. The crowds of people hoping to get a free view are incredibly dense, it might be raining or cold, and you certainly won't have bathroom access or be able to step away from your spot to grab breakfast or coffee. And after all that, you might never even see the bulls. 

Luckily, you can rent a balcony viewing space directly above the bull run in advance, so you'll be above the crowd to watch the run. With BullBalcony, renting a balcony space means getting a front-row view of the run on a comfortable balcony with a limited number of viewing spaces. 

Here are some reasons to book a balcony in Pamplona for the Running of the Bulls:

  1. Unobstructed, Front-Row Views: The bull run is a fast-paced event, and trying to see the action from the street can be nearly impossible due to the dense crowds. Even if you manage to find a spot, your view might be blocked by taller spectators, people pushing forward, or paramedics and professional photographers that push directly ahead of you at the last moment. From a balcony, you are guaranteed a front-row, direct, unobstructed line of sight to the action, allowing you to fully appreciate the thrill of the event.
  2. Comfort and Convenience: Pamplona's early mornings can be chilly, and standing in a packed crowd for hours just to catch a glimpse of the bulls can be exhausting. With a balcony, you can enjoy a relaxed and comfortable setting, complete with seating, shelter, and even refreshments. You won’t have to worry about the weather, being jostled by the crowd, or standing for hours just to secure a view.
  3. Bathroom Access and Breakfast Options: Standing on the streets for hours means no access to bathrooms or the ability to step away for food or drinks. Our balcony rentals offer access to restrooms and a light breakfast of pastries and coffees, ensuring you can enjoy the experience in comfort.
  4. Safe and Family-Friendly Experience: San Fermín can be overwhelming, especially for families with children. The crowded streets can be difficult to navigate, and the energy of the event—while exhilarating—can sometimes become chaotic. A balcony provides a secure and controlled environment where families, older travelers, and those looking for a more relaxed and comfortable experience can still enjoy the spectacle without the stress of waiting in the street-level crowd for hours. And even better news: On most of our balconies, 1-2 young children can join for free, which will allow you to experience the bull run with the best views while saving some money along the way.
  5. Multiple Viewing Locations to Choose From: By booking a balcony in advance, you can choose the perfect vantage point to watch the bulls. Whether you want to witness the intense turn at Dead Man’s Corner from a Mercaderes balcony or prefer a longer view from Estafeta, you can tailor your experience to match your preferences.
  6. A True Bucket-List Experience: The Running of the Bulls is a once-in-a-lifetime event for many travelers, so why leave your experience to chance? Booking a balcony ensures you’ll actually see and enjoy the run rather than being stuck in a crowd with no clear view.

If you're curious, check out our availability here or contact us here.

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